What To Expect At Your Appointment
Your experience at Nebraska Visual Integration Center will provide you with an in-depth encounter that will answer all your questions and determine if Vision Therapy can help you / your child.
Functional / Developmental Vision Examination
Time: 90 minutes
An evaluation of functional visual skills of eye teaming ability, eye focusing, eye movement coordination (often incorporating the use of an infrared-based eye moment reading analysis), 3-D vision/depth perception and visual sensory-motor integration.
Testing will include evaluating visual performance in the distance as well as at near where reduced visual skills can impact efficiency and comfort in reading as well as abilities in visual information processing.
Integrated Visual Information Processing Testing
Time: 60-90 minutes
Nebraska Visual Integration Center also provides testing to determine abilities in visual information acquisition and processing and how those skills integrate with other senses. This group of tests will determine how you / your child uses the visual system for the purposes of thinking, problem solving, and learning. Additionally, it will provide an assessment of reading abilities or reading readiness, visual-motor, visual-spatial, auditory-visual integration, and body motor integration.
Report of Findings and Recommendations
A comprehensive report will be prepared at the completion of testing. This report will detail the testing performed, the specific visual abilities evaluated, and overall performance. It will discuss the implications of the visual dysfunction on performance in academic, sports and daily activities and will make recommendations for remediation of the visual issues.
Case Conference Visit
Time: 30-45 minutes
An in-depth conference with the doctor will be scheduled to review the report detailing diagnostic findings, prognosis, therapeutic recommendations and to answer any questions you have regarding the initial evaluation. For children we prefer both parents be present at this conference to ensure full understanding.
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Getting Started
Our in-depth evaluations involve a standardized battery of tests that assess functional visual performance to determine an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and effective therapy recommendations if needed. This is a specialty neurovisual evaluation that goes beyond routine eye care and is designed to determine the impact of visual issues on performance in school, work, sports, and other daily activities.
Vision therapy is a non-surgical treatment program that aides in improving an individual’s functioning visual system. Treatment includes a variety of specifically programmed procedures designed by a specialty trained optometrist to influence how the eyes and brain work together.
Syntonics / Light Therapy
Nebraska Visual Integration Center is one of only a few offices in Nebraska to provide this service to our patients. Typically, syntonics (also known as light therapy, will be used as a supplement to office-based Vision Therapy. Read More
What is Vision Therapy?
One of the most important elements to an individual’s life is their ability to see and visually understand the world around them.
There are a variety of common visual problems that our patients have including double vision, crossed eyes, lazy eye, reading/learning disabilities, and convergence insufficiency. Vision therapy is NOT eye exercises and is not designed to strengthen your eye muscles. Vision therapy develops, rehabilitates, and enhances deficient visual skills to improve visual comfort, ease, efficiency, and changes how a person processes and interprets visual information.
Therapy For Visual Development & Learning
Time: 55 minutes
In-Office: 2-3x/week
Therapy For Concussion / Rehabilitation
Time: 55 minutes
In-Office: 1-2x/week
Therapy for Athletic Performance
Time: 30 minutes
In-Office: 1-3x/week
Therapy for Multi-Sensory Processing (Light, Auditory, Movement)
30-Day Program
In-Office: 12 Days
Home: 18 Days
Therapy Progress Examinations
Time: 60-90 minutes
Following each round (16 visits) of therapy. Typically every 2 months
Is Nebraska Visual Integration Center In-Network or Out-of-Network?
Nebraska Visual Integration Center (NVIC) is an out-of-network provider for all insurance companies and therefore requires payment at the time of service. We feel our time is best spent focused on patient care and not restrictions and red tape required by most insurance plans.
It’s important to understand the unwillingness of your insurance company to pay for services does not reduce the need for obtaining treatment. While Vision Therapy is not inexpensive, it should be seen as an investment in yourself or your child’s future.
We understand the commitment required of Vision Therapy. However, we are also aware of the truly life-changing impact Vision Therapy can have on children and adults of all ages. For this reason we offer various financing options to help make sure insurance or any financial reason is not the barrier preventing you/your child from receiving the necessary life-changing care. We have made special arrangements with Advance Care to offer various payment plans. If you have any other questions related to the process of insurance for Vision Therapy, please call the office at (402) 502-0043 and we’d be happy to discuss them with you.
Will Insurance Cover Vision Therapy?
Typically insurance policies cover the majority of cost for the initial visit, and may cover a portion of the therapy program. However, patients are responsible for determining what your health insurance policy will provide for covered benefits. Upon request, we would be happy to provide you with the information necessary to discuss with your insurance company.
Forms and Insurance Claims
You will be responsible for filing insurance claims. Upon request, we will provide the forms along with the procedural and diagnosis codes for you to submit to your insurance. You may need to contact your insurance company regarding their specific process of filing claims.
Advance Care
We accept Advance Care
Why use Advance Care?
- Advance Care allows many of our families to start Vision Therapy right away while they determine what their insurance will cover
- Many families will use Advance Care to supplement what their insurance will cover
- Reach needed deductibles on a payment plan before insurance will reimburse
- Advance Care may also be used for many health related services for the whole family
- If insurance will not pay towards Vision Therapy, families are able to continue using their Advance Care card.
Please let us know if you would like more information!
Call (402) 502-0043 or email [email protected]
Our therapy / rehab visual services may be covered by many medical insurances, but vary by plan. We are an out-of-network provider for all insurance companies and do ask for full payment at the time of services. Reimbursement for covered services will be sent from your insurance company directly to you.
Advance Care has been a leading provider of patient financing solutions since 2008. We have worked diligently to provide patients the most affordable options to finance their procedures or treatment plans. Our programs provide affordable monthly payments with flexible terms.
Advance Care combines interest free financing with the flexibility you want.
Nebraska Visual Integration Center is a specialized vision care practice dedicated to Vision Therapy & Vision Rehabilitation in Omaha, Nebraska. We focus our care on functional visual issues that impact learning, classroom and work performance; non-surgical treatment for strabismus; advanced amblyopia treatment; concussion/brain injury; and neurodevelopment delays.
11316 P Street
Omaha, NE 68137
Tel. 402.502.0043
Fax. 402.932.0216
[email protected]